Dev Diary #6 – March-April 2019

Hi everyone,

We are late with the Developer Diary for March. We apologise for the delay. There was a lot to do. 🙂

Today we want to address a topic that probably is one of the most popular ones in the forums: Multiplayer. Some of you might have already seen hints in the patch notes of EA 0.7.3, as we made some decisions regarding the combat rework based on multiplayer implications. We are now starting to make good progress on the feature’s development and want to keep you all more up to date on where it stands. Please note that we of course are not exclusively focusing on multiplayer (as you can see in the updates we are releasing), but we are now at a point where we can confidently work towards making all functionality run in multiplayer as well as it does in single player.

Regarding the general state of the multiplayer mode:

When we first started working on multiplayer, we investigated what had been done so far, what worked and what didn’t. Pretty quickly it was clear that big parts of the game were not ready for multiplayer so it wasn’t possible to actually start a multiplayer session.

Since a few weeks, we are now intensely working on fixing and implementing features for multiplayer. Progress has been really good so far. Lots of systems have already been fixed so they are working in multiplayer as well. We will give you more detailed information in the upcoming patch notes. The feature itself is not ready yet to be shared with you as it’s still unstable and several features just don’t work yet, but we are getting there.

We also want to say a few words on why we didn’t give you an update earlier. You already know that we try to be very transparent when it comes to our development process. There weren’t any statements regarding multiplayer before because we didn’t really know the true state of the implementation before our in-depth investigation was concluded. Also, we didn’t want to waste time on it as long as the core features of the game weren’t at least on a decent level.

To sum it up, we are on it and are happy to share regular updates on the MP development with all of you.

Thank you for your support!

Purple Lamp Studios