Production & Trade


Like its predecessors, in The Guild 3 is also about making coins, and coins are needed to move forward with one’s dynasty.

In order to be able to own and manage a workshop, certain skills and abilities in one’s skill tree are needed. Workshops have three levels and can be improved with many upgrades.

Alchemist – Alchemists not only have expertise in poisons, but are also knowledgeable in witchcraft…

Apothecary – Apothecaries have expertise in healing positions and an array of other substances. They are citizens who are held in high esteem.

Baker – Bakers produce a wide range of wholesome and sweet pastries.

Barber – The barber provides relaxation and bodily cleansing, like a bath in the hot tub and a haircut. However, barbers are seen as dishonourable by high society because the scholars say: bathing makes you sick and miserable and leads to sinful behaviour!

Blacksmith – Blacksmiths are masters of the forge, and are responsible for the production of iron tools, weapons and armour.

Butcher – The butcher cuts up animals into meat and leather.

Carpenter – Carpenters mainly work in wood to produce everyday items and weapons and carts for transport.

Crude craftsman – Crude craftsmen can produce the most basic goods, and therefore earn a modest wage.

Farmer – Farmers plant their fields with barley and wheat, and breed cattle and sheep!

Fisher – The profession of a fishermen is thousands of years old. But in addition to the physically strenuous fishing, they are also masters in the preparation of fish dishes and many other products that can be made from fish.

Gravedigger – The disreputable and frightening business of ‘taking care’ of the remains of humans in the cemetery.

Herbalist – Herbalists are familiar with herbs and their effects and are also able to treat minor illnesses.

Innkeeper – The innkeeper provides beverages and simple meals in the taproom of the tavern. Here you can have a sociable chat, spread or hear the latest gossip and enjoy a game of dice!

Lansquenet – The lansquenet is a trained fighter for law and order. They can be hired as escorts or as guards for buildings and transport.

Medicus – The medicus attends to the sick and injured of the district in which they have built their hospital.

Miller – The miller grinds grain into flour.

Minstrel – Today, minstrels generally travel from one city to the next, to entertain to folk with their variety of songs… and to break the hearts of many lovelorn young women and men. But some minstrels decide to settle down and become an honourable member of society…

Orchardist – Orchardists specialise in fruit, berries and honey, and know how to process their raw materials into delicious beverages and food.

Preacher & City Preacher – We are living in troubled times, where faith in God is questioned by the simple folk. There are the Catholics on one side and the Protestants on the other, and in between is the mass of the people who cannot decide on their faith. So it’s up to the preachers to steer them in the right direction!

Potter – The pottery craft involves the millennia-old knowledge of the shaping and firing of pottery. Potters are also familiar with some of the skills of the masons, so they can also produce other goods.

Robber – These scoundrels have learned no honest craft, instead they attack law-abiding travellers and citizens, and rob them of everything they have…

Scholar – The scholar copies documents and even pens his own works.

Stonemason – The stonemason fashions stones and clay into building materials and other everyday items!

Tailor – Tailors are skilled with needle and thread, and sew everything from simple and everyday clothing to richly adorned frock coats.

Thief – Thieves make themselves rich with the possessions of others by theft and burglaries, but also by less criminal activities.

Tinker – Tinkers manufacture goods from copper and pine wood, including cauldrons, torches and also wooden shields.


Raw Material Manufacturers

To be able to produce goods it is necessary to buy raw materials at the market or directly at their manufacturers. You are also able to lease one or more raw material manufacturers for a while.

Lumberyard – Oak and pine wood is cut down and sold here.

Mine – The industrious miners extract ores and precious stones in the mine, which are essential in particular for blacksmiths and other craftsmen in the city.

Quarry – You can hear the constant chopping and hammering of the industrious quarry workers from afar as they toil to supply the city with granite and slate. What is clearly much quieter and less effort is the extraction of clay; so this task is much sought-after by the workers, and there’s a lot of grumbling when the foreman distributes the daily tasks in the morning…


Other Resources

Some businesses need special raw materials, so they send their workers to gather the ingredients at the following places:

Brushwood – Apothecaries and alchemists can find various ingredients in the brushwood.

Cemetery – Apothecaries and alchemists can find various ingredients in a cemetery.

Fishing spot – This little wooden pier is the perfect place to catch fish.

Grove – Apothecaries and alchemists can find various ingredients in the grove.



Players may manage the production process in their own workshops, but it is also possible for them to let an experienced foreman do that job. He keeps supplies coming, sells produced goods for the best prices and assigns the employees to their jobs.

Thus the player can attend to other things… like paving the political career or scheming malicious intrigues.



The prices at the market of a city are based on supply, demand and other external influences (laws, wars, hunger crisis, etc.). Raw materials and products can be bought directly at its manufacturer for cheaper prices though.

Depending on the scenario, different trading posts are located outside the map. Players can send their carts to trading posts to buy specific goods or to sell products from their own cities for better prices. But be careful: robbers may lie in ambush and are not afraid of plundering your carts!


In case your business runs into overstock and iron and oak wood is currently cheap at the marketplace, the building you need isthe warehouse!

The warehouse can function as the main hub of your own supply chain. This should prevent your businesses from running out of raw materials. But again: Beware of burglars!