Might & Influence


One of the essential elements in the The Guild series is to achieve higher titles and therefore gain access to mightier privileges. In The Guild 3 you will find many titles and privileges, divided into three social ranks: poor, citizen and noble. Members of a social rank are allowed to wear their appropriate garbs.


Town Council

Jugde and assessors

The council of every town has a number of offices in different chambers. One of those chambers could be, for example, the Trade Chamber where the Tax Collector, the Customs Master, the Market Master etc. are located. Every office holder has one or more office-privileges. Some of the decisions of a chamber are made by their members jointly. Several office-privileges are shared by all members of a chamber, while several are reserved for certain members only.

Every scenario, even every city can have its own unique town council with different offices and privileges.



For players, the Sovereign is the highest obtainable office in each of the scenarios in the game. A word of warning: Enviers will act ruthlessly in order to dethrone the sovereign, so tread carefully.



With Guilds we add a new gameplay element to The Guild series!

Guilds can be compared to very powerful social clubs. Some of them are peaceful, others are destructive. Members of each of these guilds are united by identity-establishing philosophies, ideas and viewpoints and approaches to life. Once the player has joined one of the guilds, she/he will get supported by fellows and give them support if required. Moreover, the guild’s special powers are available to the player. It is a given that the guilds tend to have their own feuds “behind the scenes”…



Religion has always been important to people that is why we introduced different faiths into the game. Dynasties can have different beliefs. There are three faiths, Catholicism, Protestantism, or Secular. Being part of one of those groups can be affecting romancing or preacher’s actions. Family members and workers take the faith of their dynasty leader.
Catholics and Protestants are in opposition to each other. Therefore, having a romantic relationship between a Catholic and a Protestant character can be difficult while Secular believers are treated neutrally by both groups. Additionally, Catholicism and Protestantism offer unique actions to their followers. Unfortunately, being Secular won’t give you access to any religion-related actions.

Please note: the chance of success for some actions is lower when you interact with a character or family of another denomination. On the other hand, the alertness of a city guard or lansquenet is higher when it comes to detecting crimes committed by culprits of a denomination other than their own. All city guards have the denomination of the sovereign and the lansquenets have the denomination of their employer!

Catholics believe in the hundreds of years old traditions of the holy Mother Church with the Pope as their supreme preacher and shepherd.

Protestant Christians follow the doctrines of the evangelical reformers, who criticise riches and the forgiving of sins for money. They deny the Pope their allegiance.

Secular Christians believe in God, but follow a more secular way of faith. They try not to interfere in the struggles between the Catholics and the Protestants.